Emergency Phone Police/Ambulance
To report a fire (from Canada) call Franklin County
9-1-1 at: 518-483-1211
To report a fire (from the U.S) please call 9-1-1
Non-emergency Phone: 613.575.2340
Fax: 613.575.2334
Acting Chief of Police Ranatiiostha Swamp
Phone: 613.575.2340
Deputy Chief of Police Lee-Ann O'Brien
Phone: 613.575.2340
Mailing Addresses
PO Box 90
Akwesasne, Quebec
H0M 1A0
Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service
PO Box 90, Akwesasne,
Quebec H0M 1A0
Emergencies: 613-575-2000
Non-emerg.: 613-575-2340